The Interior Designer’s Tools Of The Trade

If you plan on working as an interior designer, you will need the right tools to be able to do your tasks. Even beginner interior designers and those who are still studying Interior Design must already have the correct tools so that they can get the job done right.

Since interior design tools are crucial to a designer’s success in his career, many have dedicated tool kits where such tools can be stored. These kits are used to conveniently store all the tools in just one place.


The Color Wheel and Other Small Tools


This is one of the initial tools that can set an interior designer apart from other professions. The color wheel is used on every stage of the entire interior design process. The designer can make his decisions for the type of paint that will be used, what flooring options to look at, what window treatments would look great, which wallpapers appeal the most, and what furniture will go well with the existing theme.


Apart from the color wheel, the tools that a designer must have are pens, pencils, graph paper, rulers, measuring tape, protractor, a yardstick, and a T-square. These tools may be small but these can ascertain that you have the correct dimensions, edges and measurements at all times. Also, they can help you in planning an interior design drawing with more precision.


From the small tools, there are still smaller tools that are also essential in every interior designer’s kit. Thumb tacks, push pins, plastic anchors, wires, needles, cup hooks, and pins are also equally important. And as you go on and are required to cut fabrics, you will need a professional grade pair of scissors that come with tempered blades.


Other Cutting Tools


There are other cutting tools that every designer must have in his kit. A pair of scissors is not the only thing that can help you cut things. A box cutter is also needful as well as a utility knife. These are the sharpest tools that you can use to open supplies.


A handsaw is also becomes necessary as you begin working with tougher materials such as carpet and wood. Cleaning and scraping tasks may require you to invest in a single-edged razor.


Tools that Fasten


A professional glue gun is also an important interior design tool. This is one of the tools that you will keep using again and again so you must also buy extra glue sticks. Under this same concept, an interior designer must also have rubber bands, sewing needles and plastic ties. These are vital when you need to fasten two things together. For tougher projects, designers use hammers, C-clamps, screw drivers and pliers. Rollers and paint brushes may also be required so make it a point to remember those, too.


Papers That Matter


The trappings of a designer are his documents, diagrams and drawings. These are supposed to be with him wherever he goes because the blueprints, sketches and documents help him develop ideas for different projects and different clients.


Scrapbooks of samples and ideas must also be with a designer when he is on the go. These can be the simplest swatches of fabrics, carpets or wallpaper or they could also be a compilation of wood paneling and paint samples. Most designers place their ideas on big cloth-covered boards so that they can plan their ideas better.


Artists’ Tools


Designers make use of sketch books, sponges and scissors. Even paint brushes are categorized under this type of tool. Since having an artistic ability is vital in interior design, then these tools must be carried around by the designer at all times.


Computer and interior design apps also fall under this category.

Intangible Tools

  • Building codes
  • Fire codes
  • Accessibility requirements
  • Jurisdictional statutes

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About the Author: sacinterior